Session 4

Chapters 31-40

  1. Ch 31- Christ yearns for our union in joy. 

  2. Christ’s longing for us is unending and awakens the longing in us for Him.

  3. Ch 32 - our Lord cares about even the smallest things. Nothing is overlooked. Creatures traditional teaching says are bound for hell will be made well and gathered up in endless bliss and joy. How? That’s a mystery not yet to be revealed. 

  4. Though she did not wish to contradict any teaching of the church, Julian did desire to know something about hell. However, nothing at all was revealed to her about hell. Instead she had further solidified her sense that our wish should be simply that God’s will be done. The absence of any bit of revelation about hell is striking.

  5. Ch. 34 - there is much that remains a mystery, but God assured Julian that all shall be well.

  6. “To behold God in all things is to live in complete joy.”

  7. When we are tempted to focus on the sins of others God gently and tenderly touches us and says, Focus on me alone.

  8. Ch. 36- Sorrow and anguish often precede miracles, so that we will get the benefit of our own powerlessness to attain that which cannot be attained but must be received as gift - love, mercy, and grace.

  1. Ch. 37 - We will continue to sin whether we intend to or not, and God will continue to keep us safe…unceasingly.  God loves all of us as one unified soul.

  2. Ch. 38 - that we sin is not a problem; the task before us is to respond with great humility when we do sin.

  3. Ch. 39 - contrition, compassion, and true longing are three gifts that will lead all souls to heaven no matter the mistakes we have made. They are the medicines” that will heal every soul who has missed the mark. Our shortcomings do not in any way diminish God’s love for us.

  4. Ch. 40 - God says, I have always been with you and “now that you see me loving you we are one in endless bliss.”

  5. God will keep us safe. Sin is separation from God and must be rejected.


Session Five


Session 3