Session 3
Chapters 18-30
“Creatures have a natural love for their creator.” there is solidarity in Christ’s suffering
Julian said to Jesus, “ You are my heaven.”
The inner part of self - the True self - is “one’d with God in unending bliss”
All our pain will be transformed into joy
We are on the cross w/Jesus for the conversion of our distress into delight
We are the crown of Christ. Love is greater than pain.
The passion of Jesus reminds Julian of the cheerful giver who cares only that the recipient of the gift is delighted by the gift. Jesus pays no mind to his own suffering. He only cares about our joy and our entrance into endless bliss.
Again and again Julian in a poetically circular fashion returns to the conviction that Jesus’ suffering is nothing less than or other than an expression of His extraordinary love for each one of us.
Julian meets Mary, the mother of our Lord. Jesus delights in showing Mary to Julian. Mary is the only specific person Julian was shown in the revelations. Mary was radiant and regal.
Ch 26 - “Our soul will never find rest until it comes into Jesus and understands that he is the fullness of all joy.”
Ch 27- Sin has no substance. All will be well. “God does not have one iota of blame for any of us.”
Ch 28- God’s overwhelming compassion for us inspires Julian’s deep compassion for all her neighbors.
The impulse towards compassion we feel toward others is the Christ in us. He looks upon us with total mercy and sympathy.
Ch 29- Adam’s sin has been repaired. All is well.
Ch 30 - there is room for all in the salvific heart of God. There are some things that remain a secret, a mystery hidden in eternity. We should desire only that we grow to know God’s will for us.