Good Shepherd’s
Moms’ Ministry
The Moms' Ministry provides a nurturing space for mothers to gather for friendship, support, and spiritual growth in the midst of motherhood.
Meeting Information
We will begin meeting on Tuesday, February 25th!
We will meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month from 8:45-9:45am.
If you can’t stay the whole time, that’s okay! Come when you can, and don’t when you cant. The door is always open.
We will meet in the Bishop’s House: 536 Sayre Avenue. This is the house right next door to the Kinder Condo.
Each week we will have a different meeting format. Some weeks we will facilitate a Bible study, and others we may have a chair massage available. Come and see!
Each week we will have a breakfast “finger food” station available. If all you can do is come in and grab a protein bar, we welcome you!
To stay up to date on upcoming meetings and to get reminders via text and/or email, sign up for our “Group”!
CLICK HERE to join!
Our Mission
“The very nature of God is to seek out the deepest possible communion and friendship with every last creature on this earth.” -Catherine LaCugna
Friends are an important support system, especially when raising a family. Come meet your friends: some new, some old!
Raising a family takes a village. We recognize that as moms, sometimes we need to let our hair down and take a breath. Being available to give and receive love and feedback from other moms in a similar stage of life is important- we want to provide a space that allows you to be able to do just that.
Spiritual Growth
Part of being a mother is sacrificing things in order to put our children’s growth and needs first. We can easily forget the importance of our own growth. During our time, we will offer space, if you choose, to dive deeper in your spiritual needs.