
Acolyte means an attendant or follower, so your role as an acolyte is to assist the celebrant (the priest in charge of a worship service) and enhance the worship service to help glorify God. Serving as an acolyte is a commitment of your time and talent not only to our church, but also to the Lord’s service!

Interested in getting trained to be an acolyte?

Fill out THIS FORM!

Overall Responsibilities

  • Serving when assigned and being prompt. helping to get the church ready for worship (e.g., lighting candles).

  • Understanding the different parts of a worship service; knowing what is supposed to happen and when.

  • Knowing the specific responsibilities of the assigned position (e.g., crucifer).

  • Performing actions carefully and with reverence.

  • Helping lead the congregation in worship by joining in prayers and singing and kneeling or standing at appropriate times.


One of our Vergers, Jim Willard, has taken on the responsibility of scheduling our acolytes. Acolytes usually will be scheduled once a month.

Interested in becoming an acolyte? Fill out this form!


Altar Guild